Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Route 66 - Cadiz Summit


William Kendall said...

A whole lot of graffiti!

Pat Tillett said...

It sure is William. Too bad because it is a historic place.

TheChieftess said...

I actually think the graffiti in juxtaposition to the Route 66 sign is kind of cool! Hopefully, the graffiti stays off the sign...

Manuel said...

Esta excelente fotografía, nos muestra que los grafiteros llegan a los sitios más recónditos del mundo.
Y me ha sorprendido gratamente, este título tan andaluz de "Cumbre de Cádiz", una bonita ciudad de mi tierra, Andalucía.

Pat Tillett said...

Thank you all!
@ Kathy- Several years ago, I was contacted by someone who lived there when he was young. Also, if you are interested in reading more about this great place, here's a post I did on it. http://patricktillett.blogspot.com/2013/05/cadiz-summit-ca-route-66-ghost-town.html