Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Eating Rock


ShiroYuki_Mot said...

Great One!

Pat Tillett said...

It looks like the little rock in the middle is taking a bite out of the one next to it. Or is it just me?

TheChieftess said...

It's PacMan!!!

Pat Tillett said...

Now I have the PacMan "eating" sound in my head. Also, the deflating sound when he dies...

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

With photographs it's often hard to work out the scale. These could be small pebbles or massive rocks so the cloud looks quite daring and impertinent. It's almost as if it's fulfilling a dare.

Pat Tillett said...

Thanks Lucy! These were actually very small. I've taken your advice and "look down" more these days. Not only did I look down, I was actually laying down to take the photo. I was on top of a hill, and laying down was the only way to get the clouds in the shot.

Bill M said...

Nice timing on the clouds. The one looks like it is taking a rest on the rocks.

Pat Tillett said...

Thanks Bill! This shot was set up at all. I was really concerned about my granddaughter's lack of concern.

Carraol said...

Great composition at the time that the clouds are born of rocks!