Thursday, August 30, 2018



Pat Tillett said...

Nice! Even if you hadn't titled this post, I would have immediate thought Carmel or Monterey...

William Kendall said...

Beautiful and distinctive.

rupam sarma said...

Loved the click

TheChieftess said...

@Pat...Can't fool you!!!

@William...Thank you!

@Rupam...Thank you!!!

Pat Tillett said...

HA! You can fool me, just not on this one. If there is any single item that personifies that area, it is the Monterey pine.

Luis Serrano said...

Una imagen que recuerda aquellas del film "Memorias de Africa". Estupenda

TheChieftess said...

@Pat...Love these trees!!!


Yes Luis, the trees have a similar look....but not the same!

Sí, Luis, los árboles tienen una apariencia similar ... ¡pero no es lo mismo!