Monday, August 20, 2018

Remembering Daisy...


Klara said...

beautiful portrait.

Luis Serrano said...

Perfecto blanco y negro en este estupendo retrato. Genial. Abrazo

Linda said...

Aww, so sweet! My dog passed away a week ago and I miss him.

Pat Tillett said...

Sweet Daisy...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

She was a treasure Kath, love this shot so much.. big hugs xo

TheChieftess said...

@Klara...Thank you!

@William...she was a sweetheart!


@LInda...I'm so sorry for your loss Linda...Daisy has been gone for over 8 years, and I still miss her...although our Kelly girl does make up for the loss!

@Pat...She was a sweetheart...

@Grace...Thanks Grace...she was!

Jeanna said...

Aww, Daisy, what a sweet baby girl. I included a pic of one of my fav furry pals today. She looks good in black and white.

TheChieftess said...

Thank you Jeanna...I'll click on over and take a look at your fur baby!