Thursday, August 16, 2018

Rosecrans National Cemetery - San Diego CA


Luis Serrano said...

Parece un cementerio y a mi me atraen especialmente estos lugares de silencio y recogimiento. Me gusta como a partir de la hilera central que marca el punto de fuga, se abre en otras líneas. El byn perfecto. Abrazo

rupam sarma said...

Prayers ....

William Kendall said...

Great perspective!

TheChieftess said...

A beautiful resting place..reminds me of the American Cemetery in Normandy...

Pat Tillett said...

Thank you very much Luis!

Pat Tillett said...

A very solemn place, but with a beautiful view.

Pat Tillett said...

Thanks William! I already have my spot reserved there.

Pat Tillett said...

I love visiting this place. One of the best views of the San Diego area from there.

Jeanna said...

Most of the tombstones are facing off into infinity, that's pretty deep.

Pat Tillett said...

I agree Jeanna! Not only is it a beautiful cemetery, it is in a gorgeous setting.